創下最佳票房的STEP UP 和 STEP UP 2 嗡嗡我都有看過了
當然 他們的精采舞蹈 不是只有一個amazing就可以形容拉!
不吃素的我~~~ 當然,頗有姿色的男女主角更是要看的重點 (天阿~都流鼻血了....)
只是,我找了很多關於STEP UP 3 的web都沒有確定說到底哪時候上映,有的說2009有的是2010,不過我覺得應該是2010,
因為youtube 5月才徵選完畢(徵選舞者)
不過迪士尼影業,有在日前說(OF COURSE 上迪士尼美網看的)
已經跟STEP UP2的男女主角簽約三年,
所以,他們再次演出的可能性頗大 我從中想的 當然很多變數。
不過,導演已經開始在全美和全世界昭告,要找TOP 舞者。
而且 迪士尼還要開發 3D劇場,
現在 就等官網出來OR迪士尼 貼出公告了^^ 蛤=還在等咧
Release Date(上映日): August 6, 2010(2010年8月6號)
Studio: Touchstone Pictures (Disney)
Director(導演): Jon M. Chu
Starring(主角): Sharni Vinson
Genre(類型、風格): Drama, Musical, Romance(戲劇、音樂、愛情)
Plot Summary(劇情大綱): Disney is moving forward with a third installment of its hit dance franchise "Step Up," tentatively titled "Step Up 3D."(翻譯如下)
迪士尼最新力作,(跟前幾集一樣)講述人生與舞蹈的關係,而Step up 3暫定名子為"Step Up 3D"
Adam Sevani (as Moose)(第二集step up 2)
除了這個就都沒有以前那些人了~SO BAD!
這是adam sevani的推特: http://twitter.com/iadamsevani
導演的推特: http://twitter.com/jonmchu
© Summit Entertainment/Touchstone Pictures
NEWS FLASH: ‘Step Up 3D’ Starts Filming TODAY with Newcomers & Old Favorites
[新聞:Step Up 3D 今天新進演員和舊成員見面拍攝開始]
May 11, 2009[2009年5月11日]
Although I think there’s, sadly, very little chance we’ll be seeing Channing Tatum in the third installment of the ‘Step Up‘ franchise that he started with Jenna Dewan in 2006, I still continue to follow the progress of ‘Step Up 3D‘ and often get questions about the movie from fans.
[雖然我覺得很遺憾,在2006年我們很少機會可以參與Jenna Dewan和Channing Tatum的Step Up,我持續關注 ‘Step Up 3D‘跟其他相關粉絲]
As I previously posted, director Jon M. Chu and the production crew have been working hard for months to prepare for the 3D movie that’s going to film on location in both New York City and Paris, France.
[之前我貼了Jon M.和攝影團隊在幾個月前在紐約和巴黎、法國勘查地點,努力工作拍攝製作,為3D電影做準備]
Jon has been tweeting about their progress onTwitter where he posted news about their long days scouting locations, how dance warriors/choreographers Hihat, Dave Scott, Rich & Tone, Jamal Sims have even more of his respect now, and his experience in a test shoot with 3D glasses are on his head. He even tweeted to let us know that they wrapped up the final day of rehearsals last Friday so they can start shooting principal photography today.
[Jon會叫我張貼關於他們當天一整天偵察地點的新聞和關於他們的進展 onTwitter,舞者或舞蹈動作設計者Hihat、戴維・斯科特,Rich & Tone, Jamal Sims對他很尊敬,並且他有測試和戴上3D模式眼鏡的經驗。 他甚至大叫告訴我們他們上星期五結束了最後一天排練,因此他們可以開始今天的主要攝影]
I also found the cute photo above with Jon and his adorable dog Monster (who looks quite at home in his own chair on set) with returning stars Alyson Stoner who reprises her role as Camille (aka Chan’s foster sister from ‘Step Up‘) and Adam Sevani who comes back in his role as Moose from ‘Step Up 2: The Streets‘.
[我也發現了上面逗人喜愛的照片與Jon和他可愛的狗妖怪(看看是誰坐著從家裡拿來的椅子)有發生她的角色叫作 Camille 從回來這裡的Alyson Stoner (從‘Step Up‘姐妹衍伸的aka Chan’s)和 Adam Sevani從Step Up 2: The Streets他的角色回來]
Here’s a storyline that I found on one of the casting sites for the film that will start filming today in New York City…
When the Maryland School of the Arts (MSA) goes to Paris for an international dance competition, one of the dancers - Moose - misses his flight back to Baltimore. He soon makes friends with an American away from home and a beautiful French sophisticate. They introduce Moose to the red-hot Parisan underground dance scene, and before long he is wowing the local dancers with his unique moves as they prepare for an underground dance competition. With time running out before the big event and their routine stolen by a rival crew, Moose turns to his loyal MSA crew in Baltimore for help. Can Moose, the MSA crew and the French crew pull together a new dance number at the last minute? And will it be good enough to beat the world’s best street dancers?
[當藝術學院(MSA)的馬里蘭學校去到國際舞蹈競爭的巴黎,其中一位舞蹈家-Moose-他錯過回到巴爾的摩的表演。 他很快交到一個美國人遠離家和一個美麗的法國老油條的朋友。 他們介紹 Moose 給熾熱Parisan地下舞蹈場面,並且不久後他有了他獨特的舞蹈方式,讓別的舞蹈家驚嘆,當他們為地下舞蹈比賽做準備。 當時刻消失在敵手團員和他們的慣例之前竊取的大事件,Moose對他忠誠的MSA團員在巴爾的摩的幫助。Moose、MSA團員和法國團員能否最後一刻合作一個新的舞蹈成績? 並且打世界的最佳的街道舞蹈家是否將是足够好? ]
In addition to veterans Adam and Alyson, the film also stars newcomers Sharni Vinson as Natalie, Rick Malambri as Luke, and Stephen Boss in the role of Jason.
[除了舊有演員 Adam和Alyson之外,影片也擔任主角賈森的角色的新來者Sharni Vinson作為Natalie,瑞克Malambri作為盧克和斯蒂芬上司。]
Step Up Takes It To 3D
By Rafe Telsch: 2008-02-27 18:11:44 ShareThis
It’s like we always say: whether a movie is good or bad is irrelevant when compared to its opening weekend box office. The Step Up franchise is a perfect example. Step Up 2 the Streets was on par with direct to video movies as far as quality goes, but an almost thirty million dollar opening on President’s Day weekend has purchased the movie a third picture.
Since the second movie basically took the first flick and reversed the key roles, the third movie is desperately in need of some sort of gimmick to help sell it. What better a gimmick than the currently mega-popular trend of 3-D. Variety reports that Disney is moving forward with Step Up 3-D, allowing the movie to take a new ridiculously long dance sequence and put it right in the audience’s faces.
Unfortunately, first director Anne Fletcher appears to be staying away from the franchise she originated. Instead it appears Step Up 2 the Streets director Jon Chu is most likely returning for the third chapter. What a shame. Chu managed to take a guilty pleasure flick and churn out a listless sequel with nothing enjoyable to it at all, guilty or otherwise.
Even the dance sequences that made the first movie fun were lacking in Step Up 2, and I’m not sure adding 3-D effects could save those. I’d almost rather they digitally augment the first Step Up and just release that in 3-D. At least we know it’s entertaining, and I doubt there are many girls out there who wouldn’t want to see Channing Tatum popping off the screen at them.
這就像我們常說: 當它的首映週末票房比較時,電影是好或壞是毫不相關的。 Step Up 是一個完美的例子。 Step Up 2 the Streets是與電視效應的電影相似的,只要質量更完美,但是在總統紀念日週末的一個差不多三十百萬個美元開頭的金額,購買了電影三大廣告圖片。
各種報導說,迪斯尼公司正在進行的Step Up 3-D,
不幸地,第一位導演Anne Fletcher因一些事沒繼續導她的Step Up 2。
反而看起來Step Up 2的Jon Chu是很有可能成為Step Up 3D的導演。 真可惜。
Jon Chu設法採取輕鬆有力的節奏和華麗的舞蹈使一個平淡的續集增添了無限聲光效果。
取自第一部的舞蹈要素的Step Up 2,並且沒增加3D也不知道可不可以得到那些效果。
我覺得他們幾乎寧可增添Step Up 和發布 Step Up 3-D。
我也覺得有很多女孩來看是因為要看 Channing Tatum的舞蹈
BTS Step Up 3D Underground Dance Scene (介紹Step Up 3D的花絮)
Step Up 3D! Trailer
Step Up 3D Confirmed + Jon Chu & Adam Sevani